Design isn't just a hobby, its lifestyle! If you're just as invested in design trends as we are, then you've probably come across the 2025 color of the year from Pantone. Pantone emphasizes the connection between design, color, and culture in their yearly color release and this year, we're excited to see the positive reaction to the lush neutral hues. We're calling 2025 the year of moody neutrals inspired by nature! Pantone's choice, Mocha mousse, is indulgent and decadent and speaks to the greater need in society for finding warmth and wellness. The cozy brown hue feels grounded (and you know how we like getting our hands a little dirty) and luxurious yet simple. If you're connecting with mocha mousse, then you're going to love Meeting Green's 2025 color inspiration! If you're looking to incorporate these colors in your space, come by Meeting Green and let us help you enhance your space with the classic colors!
2025's moody neutrals inspired by nature proves colors can be cozy and calming without sacrificing bold design.

Read more about Mocha Mousse, Pantone's color of year here.