Hot days, long periods of drought, and flood filled hurricanes… oh my! Summers in Charleston are tough for both people and plants! We are in the thick of hurricane season in the Lowcountry and after last week's historic levels of rain, we’re here to talk about water loving plants. We often think about sunlight as the determining factor when it comes to plant selection in a landscape, but understanding your yard's drainage and flood tendency is just as important! Today, let’s dive into water loving plants you should add to the flooded areas of your space.
The environment in your Charleston garden rapidly fluctuates in the summer between dry, 90 degree days and a week of heavy rain. Most ornamental plants are not well adapted for our drastically changing conditions. If you have places in your yard that flood every time it storms, consider adding some of these plants to that area!
Hosta varieties
Iris varieties
Ostrich Fern
Lobelia varieties
Horsetail Reed
Swamp Hibiscus
Joe Pye Weed varieties
Looking for larger flood tolerant options? Consider adding these water loving trees to your landscape!
Red Maple
Willow trees
Bald Cypress
Stop into the shop and grab some of these plants to prep your yard for the next big storm!